What is Reiki?

Reiki may be used for all beings. It supports all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve symptoms and side effects and promote recovery. Reiki is not, however, a diagnostic tool, nor a substitute for medical care.
During this pandemic, All Relations Reiki offers this form of energy medicine remotely to human and nonhuman beings, plants, and the planet, with a vision of supporting physical, emotional and spiritual health and well-being.
While Reiki is an energy-healing modality, "healing" in this context is distinct from "curing." If the body is beyond the hope of a cure, healing for the spirit may mean passing on...and Reiki can provide comfort to both the one passing and the one(s) being left behind.
Reiki in Action

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First Aid Reiki

Reiki for Rescue

Give the Gift of Reiki
How Can Reiki Help You?
To see some of the studies, articles, and books documenting the effectiveness of Reiki, see this page.
After Your Distant Reiki Session

How you experience your Reiki session, and integrate the energy afterward, is as unique as you are. Everyone has their own experience, based on their mind/body/spirit needs. You may feel sleepy – or energized! It’s common to experience shifts, whether physical, psychological or emotional: if you have been blocked in…
Reiki Recharge: Make Tough Times Easier with Daily Distant Sessions
Reiki and Christianity
Both Protestant and Catholic Christians have written a good bit about Reiki, offering a spectrum of opinions and positions, and I have heard a number of questions and misconceptions….so I’d like to offer some information and resources for those who are concerned about this issue. To give some of the…
Self-Reiki for Rebound and Rebalancing

You know the feeling…so focused on doing-doing-doing that bits of your life are scattered from hither to yon, and you wind up chasing them down…sometimes with, well, painful consequences. That’s where this story started, on a day of serial deadlines…. Head-down at my desk, deeply absorbed in a project, I…
Reiki for Rebirth
Reiki and Mainstream Medicine

Depending on the practitioner you approach, the “woo” factor of the Reiki treatment you receive may vary widely….and that’s a good thing; you may like and want added spiritual elements such as chakra clearing or angel invocations, or you may not. Because Reiki is based on initiatory attunements rather than…
What to Expect In Your First Remote Reiki Session
What does a remote session involve? That depends on you. Phila creates the connection and sends Reiki in just the way she would perform an in-person session. Ideally, you would be lying or sitting down to receive the energy in a quiet, meditative setting…but if this is not possible, you will receive it no matter what you are doing.
Afterward, you may feel sleepy – or energized! It’s common to experience shifts, whether physical, psychological or emotional: if you have been blocked in some way (whether it’s, say, constipation, a charley-horse, or blocked emotions), you may experience a release immediately or within up to 24 hours.
To integrate your Reiki experience and energy release, be gentle to yourself! Drink plenty of water, get plenty of sleep (and pay attention to your dreams!). Observe your experience with love and acceptance, remembering that this is energy moving. If you experience a major psychological or emotional release, stay in contact with your therapist to process the thoughts and feelings. And if you have any questions, please contact Phila at phila@allrelationsreiki.com.
I look forward to connecting!